Patricia & Artisans
Patricia is forty-seven years old and from a very young age she learned all the techniques for making garments because her parents always worked in this field.
She inherited a part of her parents' workshop located in the city of El Alto, where to this day she works with manual machines and overlockers to assemble alpaca and llama wool garments.
Currently, Patricia's workshop has around ten disused machines due to the loss of customers due to the pandemic that strongly affected the artisan sector. Today, Sonia and Isabel are the only two artisans who work with Patricia, we had the opportunity to meet them and see the beautiful work they are doing despite adversity. They have known each other for more than twelve years and together they shared many training and production jobs that allowed them to acquire export quality. It is Sonia who is specialized in hand weaving, embroidery, toothpick and crochet, and she has training in Peru on weaving and dyeing. Isabel has experience in training on machine knits internationally certified by USAID.
Don Justo also works with Patricia using the loom technique and makes weaves made with a pedal machine, his workshop is located on the way to Lake Titikaka.
They are very excited of being part of the Yanawara family since 2022 and start working in our home line and llama fiber.